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Join the OU Department of 音乐 for a series of professional development events for music educators on the campus of 365英国上市官网. Most events qualify for State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs.)

Useful Obstacles: Utilizing Consonants in Vocalizes 和 Songs
Saturday, November 18, 2023
10 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
3.25 MI SCECHs


Through a pedagogical 和 scientific lens, we will explore the use of consonants 和 semi-consonants in vocalizes, 热身, 和曲目.  更具体地说, the clinic will regard the nature of consonants, their classifications 和 actions, 和 how they can be utilized to create freedom 和 function in the singing voice.


By the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe 和 categorize consonants by their type 和 anatomy;
  • Underst和 the design of a vocalize, 和 the core effects of different consonants; 和
  • Practice singing consonants in vocalizes, 热身, 剧目节选, also envisioning applications for one’s students.

问题? 联系 Dr. Pam Klena  Dr. 班纳特的猫.

An Equity-Centered Trauma Lens for the 音乐 Educator
推荐者:  Dr. 山南地区希巴德
Saturday, December 2, 2023
10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
3 MI SCECHs Pending



With the increasing prevalence of trauma rhetoric in society overall, it can be difficult to know how to navigate 和 adjust our approaches in music learning spaces. 另外, when trauma-informed approaches do not center equity, implementation can cause further harm to students who have already experienced marginalization. In this session, participants will learn to see music teaching 和 learning through a trauma lens. This framework challenges educators to move beyond stigmatizing notions of parsing out “the traumatized” to applying universal, justice-oriented approaches for all. Participants will gain an underst和ing of trauma, 创伤反应, 和 the presentation of trauma in the music classroom. Through underst和ing the roots of maladaptive behavior, participants will be challenged to examine their classroom management 和 relational strategies. Participants will be invited to evaluate biases regarding trauma, their own student-teacher interactions, 和 will be tasked with self-reflection in their teaching


By the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe 和 identify 创伤反应s at various developmental stages;
  • Describe 和 identify the intersections of trauma 和 inequity; 和
  • Compare 和 contrast strategies for implementing a trauma lens in their music learning spaces.

问题? 联系 Dr. Pam Klena  Dr. 班纳特的猫.

Stop, Collaborate 和 Listen! New EDM 音乐 和 an Inclusive Vision: Differentiation Techniques 和 Materials for the Elementary Classroom
推荐者:  妮基的玫瑰 & 弗莱彻Tilton
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
2.5 MI SCECHs Pending


Are you 和 your students getting sick of Hot Cross Buns the same old recorder songs? Need 新 ideas 和 strategies to engage your musicians? 加入学生作曲家, 弗莱彻Tilton 和 K-5 音乐 Teacher, 妮基的玫瑰 for a workshop on 新 materials 和 strategies for differentiation.

了解热点, 新, 迷人的音乐, 支持跟踪, 和 materials that Fletcher composed for recorder or other melodic instruments in the elementary music classroom. These original EDM tracks will help expose your students to 新 genres, while also helping teach melody, 节奏, form, 和组成.

Participants will also learn differentiation techniques through these materials that can be applied first thing on Monday!


By the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Use this 新ly composed recorder book to expose their students to 新 genres, melodies, 和 节奏s.
  • Recall 和 implement differentiation strategies to help ALL students succeed in the elementary music classroom.
  • Initiate collaboration to compose or commission music for their general music students.

问题? 联系 Dr. Pam Klena  Dr. 班纳特的猫.

School of 音乐, 剧院 和 跳舞

Academic Office: (248) 370-2030
Box Office: (248) 370-3013